I hope my topic choice does not spoil ‘things’ for some, but if read without the tongue-in-the-cheek, it will spoil things for many a traditional Blacksmith!
It looks like there will be a clamp down, if not a straight forward ban on coal and coal derived products such as ‘coke’. At least as far as it being usd by the the public and smaller manufacturers.
It might still take some time in some areas, but we have just one supplier in Norway (which I could find). I have not searched in other EU/EEA countries yet, mainly due to being aware of huge custom taxes and tariffs on such a product, should I attempt to import.
It has been mentioned that I can get Coke easier than Coke, here where I live…
Will our coal/coke fired forges leave on the back of our beloved diesel/petrol trucks?
How green is Propane and surely a greater demand will push prices up? If the supply of Propane are sustainable, prices might come down again?
Shall we approach my fellow ex-Countryman (complicated), Elon Musk, to design us our first battery powered Induction Forge and I mean, something with more volume capacity than what is already available? Maybe an add on to his flame thrower?